Look around you
We have trees and mountains
We have oceans and rivers
We have the Sun and the Moon
Look inside you
You have brain to think with
You have... feelings
You have... heart
Cherish.... All you have.... while you are alive
Love..., Love and be good. (Don't use drugs)
Look around you
We have company
We have day and night
We have the power to taking care
Look inside you
We have the miracle of Sharing
We have the miracle to SMILE
We have the miracle to LOVE !!!!
Cherish.... All you have.... while you are alive
Love..., Love......... believe in PEACE !!!
Love..., Love......... believe in PEACE !!!
Look around you
In spite of all bad things against life
We have good things
We have DEEP moments.....
Look around you
Look inside you
You are a miracle
You can give love !!
Look around you
It is NOT the money
It is spiritual
Believe in LOVE
All the things you have
While you are alive
Believe in Love...... (You)